4ngels Expands to Slovenia for Cross-Border Angel collaboration!
4ngels is taking its investing journey from Finland to Slovenia!
Thrilled to announce that Project 4ngels is taking its successful angel investing journey from Finland to Slovenia!
4ngels Expands to Slovenia for Cross-Border Angel collaboration!
Crossing Borders: From Estonia to Finland and now to Slovenia Join experienced investors sharing their knowledge and lessons learned at our online webinars. Various meeting opportunities await you in Spring 2024. In addition to the online sessions, you will have the opportunity to attend the Podim Conference, as part of the StudyTrip to Slovenia. This is a unique opportunity to make personal connections, meet business angels, VCs, diversify your portfolio and learn from the best in the CEE region. We anticipate a dedicated programme for 4NGELS participants.
4NGELS is an international programme organized by 4 business angel networks: Estonian Business Angels Network (EstBAN), Finnish Business Angels Network (FiBAN), Business Angels of Slovenia, COBIN Angels. The programme is coordinated by CIVITTA. We bring together investors from Estonia, Finland, Slovenia and Poland to strengthen the level of cross-border investment between our business angel networks. 4NGELS is funded by the European Union.