You get access to the knowledge you need in order to make informed investment decisions.
We help you understand the terms on which you invest and present best market practices that help you do it efficiently.
You get access to tools and processes that make finding, analyzing, selecting and investing into companies easier.
We offer our help at every stage of Angel Investing process.
You get access to a well established network. We are a part of European Business Angel Network and have individual partnerships with 16 other Business Angel Clubs across the European Union.
We also work with local and regional VC funds and key stakeholders in the local corporate world.
You get access to vetted investment. Every month we source up to 50 new targets, analyze them, and present the best ones to you.
Thanks to our Knowledge, Infrastructure and Network we give you the insight you need in order to make an informed investment decision.
If you have investable capital and are willing to invest it into young tech companies from Poland and CEE than you're the right candidate.
We accept Members with substantial professional and business experience and a flawless reputation.